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Southern Resident

Killer Whales

The 73 endangered Southern Resident Killer whales need your help!


Please join us and urge Iceland's Parliamentary Parties to support the Pirate Party's legislation to end whaling permanently.

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Origami Fin Whales

Get creative and join our origami fin whale campaign to help ban whaling in Iceland.

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Support the SWIMS Act, keep pressure on the USDA, and include your concerns for captive cetaceans!


Māui Dolphins

The Māui dolphins are critically endangered (around 50 remain). Please join the visual campaign "Let's Face It" (by our co-founder Peggy Oki)

Spinner Dolphins


Petitions are important to show your support, voice your concerns and sharing on social media to further spread awareness.

Writing by the Water

Why letters are most impactful

We hope this list of reasons and resources/data inspires you to write letters on behalf of wild and captive cetaceans!

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead

Stay up-to-date with our newsletters!

Thank you for speaking up for cetaceans!

Sign up for our newsletter and enjoy our FREE downloads (phone backgrounds, computer wallpapers, etc.)!


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This website is a non-profit endeavor and collaborative volunteer effort.

Designed & managed by: Peggy Oki [Founder of Origami Whales Project] and Madison O'Connell [Media by Mads].

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