Thank you for the support!
Thank you for diving in and supporting our ongoing campaigns and outreach. We volunteer our time and efforts for the primary purpose of helping the public take action for cetaceans. Learn more about us on the 'About' page! There are a few ways you can support our efforts (noted below). If you have additional questions, please refer to our FAQ.
Donations via PayPal: is operated entirely by two volunteers (Co-founders; Peggy Oki and Madison O'Connell).
Donations via PayPal are always appreciated! Your generosity will be used to assist with website fees and our ongoing outreach/campaigns. Click the button below to support our efforts! Please note that donating via PayPal is not tax deductible. Scroll down for more information regarding tax-deductible donations.
If you would like to directly support Peggy Oki's "Origami Whales Project" CLICK HERE.
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Tax deductible donations:
Origami Whales Project (Founder/Director Peggy Oki) receives support under fiscal sponsorship as alternative to operating as a registered 501C3 non-profit. Thanks to Cetacean Society International, tax deductible donations may be made to Origami Whales Project by sending a written check. For information on where to send the check (and what information to include) please refer to Peggy's support page here:
Please check out our FAQ (click here) for additional information about this tax-deductible donation.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead