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Origami Fin Whales

Get creative and join our "Iceland Without Whaling" campaign! Participate by sending an origami fin whale and/or an art letter to Iceland.

Why send origami fin whales?

On June 11th, 2024, Iceland's Minister of Food, Agriculture, and Fisheries, Bjarkey Olsen Gunnarsdóttir, granted Hvalur hf. a one-year license to hunt up to 128 fin whales. While we are devastated by this outcome, it's important to note the following:


  • The permit only granted for one year as opposed to the 5-10 years requested in the application.

  • The quota allocated two opposite regions of Iceland, which ultimately impacts Fin whaling activity in less favorable ways.

  • Minister Bjarkey Olsen Gunnarsdóttir stated that this decision doesn’t align with her own values but that she must follow the constitution of Iceland. She added that “The change in the law must go through the parliament, it’s not my personal decision.”


On September 14th, 2023, The Pirate Party tabled a bill in Alþingi, Iceland’s parliament, that would legislate the end to commercial whaling in the country. It's now more important than ever to show worldwide support for this  proposed bill. â€‹

Take Action

Get involved with our #IcelandWithoutWhaling campaign by sending an origami fin whale and/or an art letter to one of or both following recipients:

1. Urge the Icelandic Minister of Environment, Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson, to support the proposed law to ban whaling in Iceland permanently.


Address: Minister Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson


Borgartún 26 - 105 Reykjavík, Iceland

2. Encourage Minister of Food, Fisheries and Agriculture, Bjarkey Gunnarsdóttir to be vigilant and suspend the current whaling permit if there is sufficient proof of violations of Article 5 of the regulations and Iceland’s Animal Welfare Act.


Address: Minister Bjarkey Olsen Gunnarsdóttir


Borgartún 26 - 105 Reykjavík, Iceland

Deadline: Please send your Origami Fin Whales as soon as possible.

Below are instructions on how to fold your origami whale. Please decorate your whale and/or art letter however you wish, but be sure to sign with your name and country. You might like to include some bullet points on why whaling should be banned. Scroll down this page to find some suggested points.


If you would like to write longer letters to either recipients please visit our Stop Whaling in Iceland action page for downloadable sample letters. 


Please refer to the photos and videos if you would like to fold your own origami Fin whale! Spread the love and awareness further -  invite your friends and family to fold with you!

Special thanks to M.G.Crofts Photography for filming the origami Fin whale instructional video plus the instructional photos (above).  @montecrofts

Educator pack

Teachers and educators! Please download our PDF packet and encourage your students to get creative with their art as they participate in this impactful campaign!

Save trees while you save whales! Please re-use paper when creating your origami Fin whales! You can use fliers/pamphlets, mail advertisements, music sheets, maps, scrap paper, etc.​

Art speaks! Please feel free to create an impactful illustration or painting on behalf of the Fin whales. Use whatever art materials you have on-hand. You can write your letter on the backside of the art, or include it on a separate sheet of paper.

Reasons to end whaling

Below are some points you might like to include on your origami fin whale and/or art letter.


If you’re writing to the Icelandic Minister of Environment, Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson:

  • Whales are climate legends! On average, each great whale sequesters (removes) 33 tons of CO2, taking that carbon out of the atmosphere for centuries.

  • Whales are the glue that holds an ecosystem together, and because of this, they are worth far more. They are an ongoing resource and critical species that help maintain the health of our oceans.

If you’re writing to Minister of Food, Fisheries and Agriculture, Bjarkey Gunnarsdóttir:

  • Whaling is an inhumane practice, with whales sadly taking a long time to die and suffering.

Please enjoy this video featuring some of the impactful art letters that have already been sent to Iceland!

Special thanks to M.G.Crofts Photography for filming these impactful "art letters" and taking additional photos (above).  @montecrofts

Whales play an incredibly crucial role to the health of our oceans and planet, and contribute immeasurably in spirit to those aware of the awe-inspiring grandeur and grace of these magnificent and gentle Beings."

- Peggy Oki

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This website is a non-profit endeavor and collaborative volunteer effort.

Designed & managed by: Peggy Oki [Founder of Origami Whales Project] and Madison O'Connell [Media by Mads].

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