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  • Is "" a registered non-profit?
    This website ( is not a registered non-profit. However, you are able to make a tax deductible donation if you send a written-check through Peggy Oki's 'Origami Whales Project'. Peggy Oki is one of the primary contributors and editors of Please refer to our question/answer about tax deductible donations for more information. Instructions for doing so can be found here: The funding for this website has been provided through donations. The time and effort to create/edit the website is also donated. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!
  • How do I make a tax deductible donation?
    Origami Whales Project (founded and directed by Peggy Oki - one of the primary contributors of receives support under fiscal sponsorship as alternative to operating as a registered 501C3 non-profit. Thanks to Cetacean Society International, tax deductible donations may be made to Origami Whales Project by sending a written check. For information on where to send the check (plus the check details) please refer to Peggy's support page here: Cetacean Society International has been the fiscal sponsor of Origami Whales Project since 2006. The term “non-profit umbrella” is also used to describe sponsorship of a small NGO (non-governmental organization) by an NGO (CSI) that is a registered 501C3. A 501C3 NGO may have smaller NGOs under their “non-profit umbrella”. In return for the support, it is common for the sponsoring NGO to retain a percentage of tax-deductible donations as part of their administration fees. Cetacean Society International does not retain a percentage of the donations sent on behalf of Origami Whales Project - with the exception of donations over $250.00. The funding for this website has been provided through donations. The time and effort to create/edit the website is also donated. Your support is greatly appreciated!
  • Is the Origami Whales Project a 501C3 non-profit?
    Origami Whales Project (founded and directed by Peggy Oki) is not a registered non-profit at this time. However, Origami Whales Project receives support under fiscal sponsorship as alternative to operating as a registered 501C3 non-profit. Thanks to Cetacean Society International, tax deductible donations may be made to Origami Whales Project by sending a written check. For information on where to send the check (plus the check details) please refer to Peggy's support page here: Cetacean Society International has been the fiscal sponsor of Origami Whales Project since 2006. The term “non-profit umbrella” is used to describe sponsorship of a small NGO (non-governmental organization) by an NGO (CSI) that is a registered 501C3. A 501C3 NGO may have smaller NGOs under their “non-profit umbrella”. In return for the support, it is common for the sponsoring NGO to retain a percentage of tax-deductible donations as part of their administration fees. Cetacean Society International does not retain a percentage of the donations sent on behalf of Origami Whales Project - with the exception of donations over $250.00. The funding for this website has been provided through donations. The time and effort to create/edit the website is also donated. Your support is greatly appreciated!
  • What happened to Hugo?
    Tokitae was violently captured and taken from her family in 1970. For the first ten years of her captivity she had a tank-mate named Hugo. He died on March 4, 1980 after repeatedly ramming his head into the wall of the tank. This brutal, self-inflicted damage caused a brain aneurysm and his death. Two large orcas shared a small space for a decade before one of them couldn't take it any longer. Although they got along well enough, Hugo could not tolerate the tiny space and the forced performances. Tokitae remains in that same tank and continues to suffer as a result of 52+ years of captivity. We have written a blog-post about Hugo and will update it soon. For now, it's fairly short. Please feel free to read it:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead

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This website is a non-profit endeavor and collaborative volunteer effort.

Designed & managed by: Peggy Oki [Founder of Origami Whales Project] and Madison O'Connell [Media by Mads].

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